3 Tips for Daughters Who Are Dementia Caregivers

Home Care Philadelphia

Most family caregivers are daughters who want their parents to remain in the home instead of living in a retirement facility. Caring for a parent with dementia can be a difficult task, but it can also allow you to spend more time with your loved one and build everlasting memories. You may need to develop strategies to manage the new challenges that greet you every day. Here are three important tips for daughters who care for their aging parents with dementia.

1. Simplify Duties

As a caregiver, your personal and professional commitments may need to be changed. Simplifying your duties can free up time to care for your loved one without causing burnout. For example, if your child has to take treats to his or her soccer game, have your husband purchases the treats instead of making them yourself. Making your duties easier to manage can reduce the pressure you experience when caring for a parent with dementia.

You should also evaluate other commitments in your life and see what you can let go of. Spend your time doing the most important tasks. Remember to continue eating healthy, exercising on a regular basis, and staying social so you maintain energy and a positive outlook on life.

You should also evaluate other commitments in your life and see what you can let go of. Spend your time doing the most important tasks. Remember to continue eating healthy, exercising on a regular basis, and staying social so you maintain energy and a positive outlook on life.

2. Do Your Best

Allowing your loved one to stay at home, surrounded by family members, could boost his or her mood and slow the progression of dementia. However, do not judge yourself if your parent’s health begins to decrease. Remember you are doing your best. Do not worry about future issues or stress over what you cannot accomplish, and try to find peace in the things you can do now.

Daughters who accept they are providing the best dementia care possible can prevent feelings of guilt, failure, and other emotions that lead to caregiver burnout. When you make mistakes, learn from them instead of feeling depressed. Remember to be satisfied with your efforts, even if things don’t go as planned.

Hire a professional caregiver if you’re feeling overwhelmed and need a break from your caregiving duties. Whether your elderly loved one needs part-time assistance with basic household chores or you need a break from your caregiving duties, the Philadelphia Respite Care experts at Home Care Assistance are here to help. All of our respite care services are backed with a 100% satisfaction guarantee, there are no hidden fees in our contracts, and we never ask our clients to sign long-term contracts.

3. Talk to Your Support Team

Your support team can consist of family, friends, and other individuals you feel comfortable speaking with. A good support team will encourage you to continue going on, even when times are difficult. You can vent to members of your team when necessary without feeling guilty. It is best to have a few people on your team so someone is always available when you need talk.

You can also go out with members of your support team to socialize and take your mind off caregiving. Your support team can give you the praise you crave, the reassurance you are searching for, and the love you need as a daughter caring for a parent with dementia.

Caring for a senior loved one with dementia can be an overwhelming duty. Hiring a professional caregiver not only offers you a peace of mind, but it also ensures your loved one receives the high-quality home care he or she deserves. Find out how a Philadelphia, Home Care can help your senior loved one enjoy a higher quality of life by reaching out to Home Care Assistance. All of our professional respite and live-in caregivers are trained in comprehensive Alzheimer’s, dementia, Parkinson’s, and stroke care, and they can also assist seniors with basic daily tasks like exercise, cooking, bathing, and light housekeeping. Call us at (215) 645-4663 to schedule a free in-home consultation.
